November 2002
History Tid Bits Tammy Dorris
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Border City Squares Board of
Directors 2002 - 2003
Club Chair Report Cheryl Palucchi & Anne-Marie Boucher
October 12 Diane DesRochers hosted our
October Dance with the Theme Vampire and Witches Ball.
We want to thank Diane for all the great decorations.
We also want to thank all those who helped with the setup
Diane DesRochers, Cheryl Palucchi, Chris Howard,
Wayne & Priscilla Griffin, Cecelia Kendig, Paula
Finamore, Penny Guild and Diana Carlson, who brought a
special helper, Fabian Kreissler, an Exchange
Student from Germany. We also thank everyone who
brought food and stayed to help clean up afterwards.
This was a mainstream dance with two plus tips with Erik
Pluylaar calling and Corinne Renauld cuing. We had 14 squares in attendance with dancers from Bradford Squares, Wolf Rockers, Turkey Town Trotters, Pepperell Squares, Heel and Toe, Concord Coach, Litchfield Swingers, Western Whirlers, Cloudbusters, Seacoast, as well as the Presidents of EDSARDA, and 23 Border City dancers. Our next dance is Saturday, November 9. This is a Plus dance. The caller is Dennis March and Phil Gatchell will be the cuer. The theme for this dance is Salute to Veterans and will be hosted by Skip and Penny Guild. Setup time will be 12:30 pm Saturday for anyone who would like to help. 2002-2003 BCS Dances
Banner Chair Report Harlinda
October 12, 2002: This BCS dance WAS a great
dance! Not only do we have Erik Pluylaar form the
Netherlands calling and Corinne Renauld cueing, we also
have FIVE clubs raiding: Turkey Town
Trotters (12 dancers), Heel & Toe (14 dancers),
Seacoast (11 dancers), Concord Coach (11 dancers) and
Pepperell Squares from Biddeford Me (9 dancers). Bradford
Squares retrieved their banner with 14 dancers. October 19, 2002: BCS went to Heel & Toe to retrieve our banner. The Club was supported by Tammy Dorris, Cecilia Kendig, Debbie Coit, Amy Bollenbach, Hal Kelly, Roberta Blais, Lorri and Steve Wurtzler, Chris Howard, Harli Thoene, Bob Baker, Valerie and John Lamb, Vivian and Bill Thompson and Diane DesRochers. Because we had so many clubs raiding our October dance, we gave Heel and Toe one of the older banners made by our Club. It was the one featured elsewhere in this newsletter (the Key to Friendship). The article mentions that at the time this banner was in circulation, the rule was that a club had to present 16 members at a dance in order to exchange banners. Isnt it interesting that we retrieved this banner from Heel and Toe having met the criteria of the 1970s?! October 26, 2002: BCS went to Pine Tree Riots to retrieve our banner. Patty Greene was the caller for the evening (at least we think it was her under that blonde bombshell outfit! Sounded like her!) The Club was supported by Penny and Skip Guild, Kathi Butt, Chip and Carol Parker, John and Valerie Lamb, Chris Howard, Vivian and Bill Thompson, Ed Jette, Wayne and Priscilla Griffin and Harli Thoene. November 9, 2002: This BCS dance will be a Plus level dance called by Dennis Marsh and cued by Phil Gatchell. We are expecting Heel and Toe and Square Wheelers to raid this evening. November 16, 2002: BCS will be going to Heel and Toe, Manchester, NH to retrieve our banner. This dance will be a mainstream dance with some plus and fast track tips. Steve Xeller will be calling and Bernie Porter will be cueing. November 24, 2002: BCS will be going to Biddeford, Maine to retrieve our banner from Pepperell Square who came to our October dance. This is a Sunday afternoon dance from 2-5PM. Please mark your calendars now so we can make a great showing. We went last year and it was a LOT of fun the dance and the ride up and back!! November 30, 2002: BCS will be going to Turkey Town Trotters in N. Andover, MA to retrieve our banner. This will be a Plus level dance with John Hendron calling and Barbara Strong cueing. December 6 2002: BCS will be retrieving our banner from Square Wheelers, W. Acton, MA. This is an alternating mainstream/Plus dance with Matt Auger calling and Sandi Simmons cueing. Raids/Retrievals for the 2002-2003 Dance Season (as of 10/27/02)
More History Tid
Bits Tammi Dorris
More past dance themes from the mid/late 1970s to early 1980s
Class Chair
Report Dave and Mary Raymond
Class Level Dances for this dance season (Class,
please note that by the end of April you will have
completed the Mainstream List and will be able to attend
any Mainstream level dance):
November 2002 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 | 2 | |||||
3 | 4 Plus Workshop 7:00-8:30 New Class 8:30-10:00 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 BCS Dance. Plus Level |
10 | 11 Plus Workshop 7:00-8:30 New Class 8:30-10:00 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 Retrieval, Heel & Toe |
17 | 18 Plus Workshop 7:00-8:30 New Class 8:30-10:00 |
19 | 20 | 21 Board Meeting - Coit | 22 | 23 First Class Dance at Pine Tree Riots |
24 Retrieval, Pepperell Squares | 25 Plus Workshop 7:00-8:30 New Class 8:30-10:00 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 Retrieval, Turkey Town Trotters |
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