Club Chair Report Skip
& Penny Guild
On Saturday June 8th we had a MS Dance with 2 Plus Tips that was hosted by Amy & Katherine Bollenbach. The theme was "Salad Night". Everyone did a super job bringing a variety of delicious salads. We heard a lot of nice complements about the food table. The hall had a spring look with Amy bringing fresh flowers from her garden to decorate the tables. We would like to thank Anne-Marie Boucher, Cheryl Palucchi, Priscilla & Wayne Griffin, Chris Howard, and Cecilia Kendig for helping to set up the hall. Debbie Coit brought our caller Jim Wass to check out the hall while we were setting up. We had over 114 dancers, with 29 of them being BCS members. The 4 Clubs raiding/retrieving banners were Firesiders, Litchfield Swingers, Heel & Toe and Squares Wheelers. Jim Wass called a lively and fun dance and Bev Boudreau cued. Thank you to all the club members who helped out to make this years BCS dances a success. |
Banner Chair Report Wayne
& Priscilla Griffin
June was a great month for dancing. It
was not too hot, and we danced to callers and cuers that
we dont get to dance to very often; the dancing was
great, the food was delicious, and the dances were all
casual attire. June 8th Saturday BCS Mainstream with 2 Plus tips Dance - We had about 114 dancers at our Salad Night dance. Eight squares danced the first tip, 11 squares danced the second tip and 8 or 9 squares danced the 2 Plus tips. Jim Wass of Riverdale Maryland called some interesting choreography and Beverly Boudreau cued to a sea of dancers. The Firesiders (11), Litchfield Swingers (11), Heel & Toe (20), and Squares Wheelers (14) all retrieved their banners. BCS members had their greatest showing yet with 30 dancers. Among the 26 guests were 2 dancers from the Pine Cone Reelers in Augusta, Maine! BCS dangles were given to them and Jim Wass for having come so far. June 15th Saturday Retrieval to Bradford Country Squares Plus Dance - After raining all day, the second floor of the Bradford Town Hall was pleasantly cool for this mid-June ice cream social/dance. Dancers enjoyed the surprises that caller Dona Prudhomme included in his choreography. We were pleasantly surprised when Vera Prudhomme elected to cue considering she had fallen and hit her head at the beginning of the dance. Dancing with us were Chris, Diane, Harli, Amy, Tammy, and Joe Maheu. June 22nd Saturday Retrieval to Wolf Rockers Alternating Mainstream & Plus tips Dance - It had rained all day so it was another 'not-so-hot' June evening. Dancers from many clubs made up about 8 squares of dancers. The Jumptown Twirlers, Bradford Country Squares, Montachusett Twirlers, and BCS retrieved their banners with about 12 dancers each. Most tips had 5 or 6 squares dancing inside. There were no squares dancing outside this year. Everett Mackin & Leo Boudreau were featured at this ice cream social/dance. Chris, Wayne & Priscilla, Amy, Kathi, Harli, Preston, Roberta, Hal, Joe, Tammy, and Elizabeth attended. 2001-2002 Dance Season Review We end the 2001-2002 dance season in possession of all of our traveling banners. We also have the Concord Coach SDC banner to start the next season. We have had a good time dancing with all of you who have supported our club's banner raids and retrievals. A special thank you to Chris, Tammy, Amy, Debbie, Kathi, Roberta, Hal, Harli, Eric, Cheryl Palucchi, Preston, Katherine, Skip, Penny, and Bob Baker who (along with us) attended 10 or more of the 31 dances with other clubs. These 17 dancers account for 66.8% (299/447) of the overall attendance. Another 17 dancers attended 5 to 9 banner visit dances and account for 24.6% (110/447). The remaining 8.5% was attributed to 21 dancers who attended 1 to 4 dances in support of our banner exchanges. Overall, it took 55 dancers to average 14.4 dancers at 31 dances. We are fortunate to have this many members to come dance with us. Other clubs came for a total of 30 times during our 10 dances and averaged 12.6 dancers each. Averaging 3 clubs at each of our 10 dances provided not only the funds we needed to meet our expenses but also the large number of dancers to dance with and have a good time. We hope everyone will support Harli as she assumes the Banner Chairperson position. She has already arranged at least 10 banner exchanges. Have a great summer and enjoy some summer dancing. We will look for you at the summer dances that we attend. Thank you for all your support this past dance season. Have fun dancing during the summer. |
Border City Squares Board of Directors 2002 - 2003
President | Amy Bollenbach |
Vice President | Debbie Coit |
Treasurer | Kathi Butt |
Secretary | Cecilia
Kendig Paula Finamore |
Club Chairpersons | Cheryl
Palucchi Anne-Marie Boucher |
Class Chairperson | è OPEN ç |
Banner Chairperson | Harli Thoene |
Publicity Chairperson | Skip Guild |
Visit us at
Email us at
July 2002 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
2 | 3 | 4 Independence Day |
5 | 6 | |
7 | 8 7:00-9:00 PM JAN CLASS MS PHASE 2 9:00-10:00 PM CHA CHA ROUND DANCE CLASS |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
14 | 15 7:00-9:00 PM JAN CLASS MS PHASE 2 9:00-10:00 PM CHA CHA ROUND DANCE CLASS |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 7:00-10:00 PM Dance Party and Class Completion Celebration Horse Pond Fish and Game |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 No Workshop |
30 | 31 |
Next BCS Board Meeting August 11th
(See Page 1)
to Border City Squares News