Presidents' Corner May 2002
Club Chair Report Skip & Penny Guild
On Saturday March
13th we had 10+ squares at our
BCS Plus Dance. The 3 Clubs raiding/retrieving
banners were Heel and Toe, Wolf Rockers, & Turkey
Town Trotters. Frank Lescrinier from California called an
interesting and challenging dance. It was fun dancing to
a new caller. Hostess and Host were Margery Shank and Chris Howard. The theme was April Showers. Club members who helped set up for the dance were Priscilla Griffin & Amy Bollenbach. Debbie Coit hosted our caller Frank Lescrinier. He came by during the afternoon with Debbie to check out the hall. Thank you again to all club members who bring food each month, you help make our dances a success. Also for all those who stayed to help clean up after the dance, it is much appreciated. On Saturday May 11th at 8-10:30 PM, join us for our next BCS dance at the Infant Jesus Church, on Allds Street. This will be a MS with 2 Plus Tips. Jim Schell will be calling and Sandi Simmons will be cueing. Dave and Mary Raymond will be hosting the dance. The theme is "Spring Flowers". Raids/retrievals at this dance will be Heel & Toe, Firesiders, Single Squares and Concord Coach. Setup time will be at the usual 12:30 PM Saturday for anyone who is willing to help. |
Class Chair Report Bill
and Anne Parke
all our new dancers! You have worked very hard and have
learned a great deal in a short period of time. You
traveled to quite a few clubs in the last eight months
and danced to a variety of callers. Your perseverance has
finally paid off you are now able to go to any
Mainstream dance and join in the fun. On Monday, April 22, we held our Completion Celebration. Three cheers to new club members: Nancy Bryan, Diane DesRochers, Eugene Doherty, C. Paula Finamore, Margaret Green, Cecilia Kendig, Rita Lamarche and Carol & Chip Parker. During the year we also added new class members who had danced before but joined the class as a refresher. They were Melli Annamali, Carol & Ray Kibbee and Joe McClintock. Welcome to all the new members with their shiny new blue badges. Congratulations also to Amy Bollenbach and Kathi Butt, who took the 8-month class to learn to dance in the "mans" position. Square dancing involves a community of people who enjoy this healthy, fun activity. Phil and Sandy Pierce from Heel and Toe joined us for our celebration, as representatives of this larger community. They assisted in the candlelight ceremony, and the awarding of badges. This was truly symbolic of the friendship and support between clubs. To start off the ceremonial part of the program, Chris greeted the new class and talked about square dancing. Next guest representatives Phil and Sandy from Heel & Toe lit the first candle for the candlelight ceremony. Border Citys elected officers completed the other 3 corners of the square, and all club members filled in the 4 sides of the square. Then Bill and Anne passed out badges and new-dancer packets to all of those completing lessons. Ed helped both class and club dancers understand just how vulnerable we can be, even if we have danced for years. First he called a tip in which everyone had to dance without hands. Though the moves looked and felt strange, most dancers were successful at this. Then, Anne and Bill got out the blindfolds, for everyone this year. Ed began (and ended) this segment with "sides face, grand square". Ed is still trying to figure out what to call the formations (yes, a different one for each square) that resulted when he had all dancers stop, about half way through the movement. But I think all dancers will remember the importance of sight and touch in dancing. Were also more likely to appreciate the skill of blind dancers we may meet and how hard they must work to be able to join us. Remember, you arent through learning! While youve been introduced to all of the Mainstream calls, you probably dont feel that youve mastered them yet (we havent met a new dancer yet who "knows it all"). Now is the time to get out and dance to practice those calls till they become second nature to you. Continue to seek out different clubs, callers, and fellow dancers. You will learn something new from each one, and youll make lots of friends along the way. Dont worry about taking advanced lessons just yet; first become proficient at Mainstream. Come on Mondays and angel the Phase 2 (January) class; plan to join us in the fall as well. This also will reinforce your skills, as well as help new dancers to feel welcome. Above all, have FUN!! Many thanks to all of the class and club members who have brought "goodies" and helped with the various chores of running a class. We would especially like to recognize the work done by the class members which resulted in two of the most successful dances this year. You did a great job planning the decorations and setting up and hosting our two class level dances. Welcome to Border City Squares! See you in a square. |
Banner Chair Report Wayne
& Priscilla Griffin
March 30th
Saturday Retrieval to Wolf Rockers Mainstream/Plus Dance
- Among the 6 squares dancing to caller Jim Schell and
cuer Lila Heath were: Debbie Coit, Dave & Mary
Raymond, Skip & Penny Guild, Cheryl Palucchi, Kathi
Butt, Bill & Viv Thompson, Harli Thoene, Eric
Magrath, Tammy Dorris, Amy Bollenbach, Joe McClintock, Ed
Jette (also a Wolf Rocker member) and Diane DesRoches (also
a Montachusetts Twirlers member). Tag-team dancing and a
5 couple square kept things lively. Thank you to Harli,
Skip and Penny for filling in for us. April 7th Sunday Retrieval to Pepperell Squares Mainstream/Plus Dance - First, thank you to our car pool drivers, Debbie and Chris. The ride was just under 2 hours so we arrived in time to dance the first tip. There were 11 squares mostly due to having 8 clubs retrieving banners. Clubs attending for banners were BCS, Firesiders, Happy's Angels North, Heel & Toe, Jesters, Nubble Lighthouse Keepers, Seacoast, and Shaker Valley. The Pepperell Squares only hold 2 dances per year so they have many chances to raid other clubs. Two of the retrieving clubs also raided the Pepperell Squares banners because they had 16 or more dancers. Our 8 supporters were Chris, Debbie, Wayne, Priscilla, Cheryl Palucchi, Harli, Tammy, and Eric. Nancy Bryan was there with the Heel & Toe club and Alice was there with her Shaker Valley Squares club. Ray Hilton did the "Alice, who the heck is Alice" singing call dance and Alice was in our square. Ray and 'Happy' Harry Trott alternated calling tips. Sally Lennox and Lila Heath took turns cueing the rounds. There was plenty of food during the break and 5 PM came all too quick. There was plenty of daylight for the ride home. April 13th Saturday BCS Plus Dance - "April Showers" was the theme but it was a 'coast to coast' dance with Frank Lescrinier from southern California and Pat & Don Brann from Maine. The Turkey Town Trotters (18) retrieved their banner. The Heel & Toe SDC (9) and Wolf Rockers (11) raided our banners. Besides the 38 banner visitors, there were 16 guests and 18 members (72 dancers). Frank told us he was a grocer. His unique rendition of the "Love Me Hunny Dew" signing call dance included limes, cantaloupe, beets, sweetpeas, and other produce. April 20th Saturday Retrieval to Heel & Toe Mainstream with Plus tips and A1 tips Dance - Wow, 17 squares of dancers were at this "April Showers" dance. Seven clubs attended for banners. The Baldwin Apple Squares surprised everyone when they put on umbrella hats just before marching down for their banner. Retrieving our banner were Chris, Wayne & Priscilla, Dave & Mary, Kathi, Roberta, Bill & Viv, Preston, Harli, Amy, Katherine, Tammy, Diane, Joe Maheu, and Cheryl Pecor. May 3rd Friday Raid to Litchfield Swingers 30th Anniversary (Mainstream/Plus) Dance Johnny Wedge called a smooth and interesting dance, as usual. Marilyn Rivenburg cued to a floor full of round dancers. BCS accounted for 3 of the 16 squares of dancers. Three other clubs marched up for banners including the Heel and Toe SDC with 4 squares of dancers! The dinner before the dance was a success and attended by many dancers. Three members of the Litchfield Swingers were recognized for being founding members. Our 24 raiders were: Chris, Debbie, Dave & Mary, Cheryl Palucchi, Wayne & Priscilla, Kathi, Bill & Viv, Roberta, Hal, Preston, Tammy, Amy, Katherine, Harli, Anne-Marie, Diane, Cecilia, C. Paula, Eric, Joe Maheu, and Joe McClintock. Hank marched down with us too. Upcoming Dances: May 11th Saturday BCS Mainstream with 2 Plus tips Dance - Our Spring Flowers dance features caller Jim Schell and cuer Sandi Simmons. The Single Squares, Concord Coach, and the Firesiders SDC are scheduled to retrieve their banners. The Heel & Toe SDC plans to raid our banner. May 17th Friday Retrieval to Winnipesaukee Squares Alternating Mainstream & Plus tips Dance - Patty Green & no rounds. They brought 7 dancers to our February dance so we hope we can get a square of our members out on a Friday night to this distant dance. May 18th Saturday Retrieval to Heel & Toe Mainstream with Fast Track & Plus tips Dance - Steve Xeller & Peg Sutton are featured at their "Beach Party". May 24th Friday Raid to Square Wheelers Alternating Mainstream & Plus tips Dance - Matt Auger & Phil Gatchell are featured. June 1st Saturday Raid to Concord Coach Alternating Mainstream & Plus tips Dance - Jim Lee of Canada & Phil Gatchell are featured. The theme is "Grinder Night" with early A1 tips from 7 to 8 PM. After our June dance, there are 2 banner retrievals to finish out the schedule. May and June Raids/Retrievals:
Club Banners We Have: Clubs With Our Banners:
Border City Squares Calendar May 2002
5-May | 6-May
Note Times 7:00-9:00 PM JAN CLASS MS PHASE 2 Note Times 9:00-10:00 PM NEW CHA CHA ROUND DANCE CLASS Week 1 |
7-May | 8-May | 9-May | 10-May | 11-May BORDER CITY |
12-May Mother's Day |
13-May Note Times 7:00-9:00 PM JAN CLASS MS PHASE 2 Note Times 9:00-10:00 PM NEW CHA CHA ROUND DANCE CLASS Week 2 |
14-May | 15-May | 16-May | 17-May
Retrieval to Winnipesaukee Squares MS/Plus Caller Patty Greene No rounds |
18-May Retrieval to Heel & Toe Manchester, NH MS & Plus & Fast Track Caller Steve Xeller Cuer Peg Sutton |
19-May | 20-May Note Times 7:00-9:00 PM JAN CLASS MS PHASE 2 Note Times 9:00-10:00 PM NEW CHA CHA ROUND DANCE CLASS Week 3 |
21-May | 22-May | 23-May | 24-May
Raid to Square Wheelers MS/Plus Caller Mike PetitBon Cuer Phil Gatchell |
25-May |
26-May | 27-May Memorial Day |
28-May | 29-May | 30-May | 31-May | 1-June
MS/Plus Raid to Concord Coach (Grinder Windup) Caller Jim Lee of Canada Cuer Phil Gatchell |
2-June | 3-June
Note Times 7:00-9:00 PM JAN CLASS MS PHASE 2 Note Times 9:00-10:00 PM NEW CHA CHA ROUND DANCE CLASS Week 4 |
4-June | 5-June | 6-June | 7-June | 8-June BORDER CITY |
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