Presidents' Corner September 2001
Club Chair Report
There was no dance this
summer so this report is strictly about upcoming Border
City Square dances. Saturday September 8th will be our first dance of the season at the Infant Jesus Church, Allds Street, Nashua. It will be a Mainstream dance with two Plus Tips and the caller and cuer are Everett Mackin and Barbara Nutting. Our host and hostess are Steve and Lorri Wurtzler and the theme will be "Rock Around The Clock." Setup time for the September dance will be at the usual time, 12:30 p.m., Saturday for anyone who is willing to help. The schedule for the entire dance season follows. As you can see, we still need a host and hostess for the June dance. Border
City Squares Club Dances 2001 2002
Skip & Penny
Guild |
Class Chair Report
newest graduates! As this newsletter is being written,
our January Class has reached the culmination of seven
months of hard work their Graduation!
Their dedication and perseverance, even during the summer
months, has finally brought them to the point of being
experienced dancers, confident of their abilities,
anticipating attending dances far and near. We welcome
them as members of Border City. A full report on the
graduation will appear in next months newsletter. NEW SEPTEMBER CLASS September is a time of beginnings, in Square Dancing as well as in schools. Its a time for folks to venture into uncharted waters, to take on challenges, to try new things. Its also a time when many people resolve to get back to fitness activities, before winter adds challenges of its own. Well, we know an activity that will fill the bill for all of these people SQUARE DANCING! But how do we get the word out to all these potential dancers? The majority of new dancers are introduced to square dancing by a friend who brings them to a Fun Night. While many people, especially singles, are reluctant to come alone, a personal invitation will often calm their jitters. Whether youve been dancing six months or six years (or lots more), your enthusiasm for this activity is its greatest advertisement. Try to bring at least one friend with you to the free Fun Night on Monday, September 10 or to the first lesson on Monday, September 17, from 8 to 10 PM. ANGELS One of the most important groups of people in square dancing is our Angels those wonderful people who come to classes weekly to help our new dancers, and to share the pleasures of square dancing. If you havent "angeled" in a while, perhaps this fall would be a grand time to join the new class in some relaxing dancing, and at the same time brush up on those calls youre always a little unsure about. Hopefully, our 2001 graduates will share their enthusiasm by helping these new dancers, and at the same time they can practice and refine their own skills. Please remember the following suggestions for Angels:
Class Chairpersons RðRðRðRðRðRðRðRðRðRðRðR |
First, we wish to thank
Steve and Lorri Wurtzler, last year's Banner Chairs. We
think they did a terrific job. Last summer, they arranged
a banner schedule for the entire year and printed the
complete schedule in the September 2000 newsletter. We had hoped to do the same this September, but some of the clubs we exchange banners with were not yet able to tell us when they would attend our club's dances. Some clubs are not hosting dances this year. The Tech Squares presented us with a banner exchange and we presented the Monadnock Squares and the Seacoast Region with one exchange each. The Heel & Toe retrieval (Sept 15) and raids to the Monadnock Squares (Sept 22) and Seacoast Region (Sept 29) are for this month. These last two clubs are actually closer than some other clubs we dance with. However, traveling East and West in NH is slow and it will be a full hour's ride. We will need to meet at the car pool location (old photo mat kiosk in the Nashua Mall) at 6:30 PM and leave soon after so we can dance the first tip. We arranged for more banner exchanges with the clubs nearest to us, and with the clubs who came to our dances with about the same number of dancers that we brought to their dance. These clubs understand that banner exchanges provide both dancers and income to a dance. We still have banners from the Cloudbusters, Concord Coach and Wolf Rockers. Our September dance is the earliest possible, and some clubs can not schedule such an early dance. Their club members might still be at Camp or Dance weekends or they simply will not see their members until their club's first workshop later in the month. Heel & Toe and Tech Squares plan to raid our September dance. The complete dance/banner schedule (as it now exists) is available and on our web site. Save and post it where you can refer to it. You will see a question mark in front of each dance that we asked to attend but can not be sure we will be going because the club would not commit to come to any of our dances. September and Early October Raids/Retrievals
Clubs Raiding / Retrieving at Our September Dance:
Club Banners We Have: Clubs With Our Banners:
Wayne &
Priscilla Griffin |
Border City Squares Dance Schedule 2001-2002
* |
Date |
Club Name |
Level |
Caller |
Cuer |
09-08-01 |
Border City Squares |
M+2P |
Everett Mackin |
Barbara Nutting |
09-15-01 |
Heel & Toe |
M |
Lee Kennedy |
Doris T-Bow |
09-22-01 |
Monadnock Squares |
M/P |
Auger & Petitbon |
Leo Boudreau |
09-29-01 |
Seacoast Region |
M/P |
Jim Mayo |
Sally Lennox |
10-05-01 |
Litchfield Swingers |
M |
'Yikes' Cameron |
Sandi Simmons |
10-13-01 |
Border City Squares |
M+2P |
Johnny Wedge |
Bev Boudreau |
10-20-01 |
Heel & Toe |
M+xPF |
Will Larson |
Phil Gatchell |
10-27-01 |
Apple Squares |
M |
Jerry Maurice |
Phil Gatchell |
10-27-01 |
Turkey Town Trotters |
P |
Jim Pulaski |
Carol McGee |
11-02-01 |
Litchfield Swingers |
M |
Ralph Peacock |
Bernie Porter |
11-03-01 |
Firesiders |
P |
Dan Guin |
11-10-01 |
Border City Squares |
P |
Don Bachelder |
Bernie Porter |
11-16-01 |
Single Squares |
M+xP |
Matt Auger |
Scott Cohen |
? |
12-01-01 |
Montachusett Twirlers |
M/P |
Matt Auger |
Leo Boudreau |
12-08-01 |
Border City Squares |
P |
Norm Poisson |
Marilyn Rivenburg |
12-14-01 |
Single Squares |
M+xP |
Jay Silva |
Phil Gatchell |
? |
12-15-01 |
Concord Coach |
C |
Class Caller |
Bernie Porter |
? |
01-05-02 |
Montachusett Twirlers |
M/P |
Ted Lizotte |
Sandi Simmons |
01-12-02 |
Border City Squares |
C |
Ed Renauld |
Barbara Nutting |
01-19-02 |
Heel & Toe |
M+xPF |
Ted Lizotte |
Bernie Porter |
01-26-02 |
Tech Squares |
P |
Shawn Cuddy |
Barbara Strong |
02-01-02 |
Litchfield Swingers |
P |
Jim Schell |
Phil Gatchell |
02-02-02 |
Apple Squares |
M+xP |
Jerry Maurice |
Phil Gatchell |
02-09-02 |
Border City Squares |
M+2P |
Patty Greene |
Bev Boudreau |
? |
02-16-02 |
Concord Coach |
C |
Ted Lizotte |
Bernie Porter |
? |
02-23-02 |
Wolf Rockers |
M/P |
Charlie McLeod |
? |
03-02-02 |
Firesiders |
C |
Jerry Maurice |
None |
03-09-02 |
Border City Squares |
C |
Matt Auger |
None |
03-16-02 |
Heel & Toe |
M+xPF |
Matt Auger |
Bernie Porter |
03-23-02 |
Turkey Town Trotters |
P |
Dennis Marsh |
Carol McGee |
? |
03-30-02 |
Wolf Rockers |
M/P |
Jim Schell |
? |
04-06-02 |
Concord Coach |
P |
Lee Kennedy |
Sandi Simmons |
04-13-02 |
Border City Squares |
P |
Frank Lescrinier |
Pat Brann |
04-20-02 |
Heel & Toe |
M+xPF |
John Hendron |
Bernie Porter |
05-03-02 |
Litchfield Swingers |
M/P |
Johnny Wedge |
Marilyn Rivenburg |
05-04-02 |
Skirts 'N Flirts |
P |
Everett Mackin |
Barbara Strong |
05-11-02 |
Border City Squares |
M+2P |
Jim Schell |
Sandi Simmons |
05-18-02 |
Heel & Toe |
M+xPF |
Peg Sutton |
05-24-02 |
Square Wheelers |
M/P |
Mike Petitbon |
Phil Gatchell |
? |
06-01-02 |
Concord Coach |
M/P |
Jim Lee |
06-08-02 |
Border City Squares |
M+xP |
Jim Wass |
Marilyn Rivenburg |
? |
06-15-02 |
Bradford Country Sqs |
M/P |
Dona Prudhomme |
Vera Prudhomme |
? |
06-22-02 |
Wolf Rockers |
M/P |
Everett Mackin |
Leo Boudreau |
Notes: The first column (*)
shows question marks where clubs have not confirmed the banner
exchange. Many have agreed to having us go to their dance but
will not give us a date when they can return.
Meaning of Level Column: M=Mainstream tips, M/P =
Alternating Mainstream and Plus tips, M+2P = Mainstream with 2
Plus tips, M+xP = Mainstream with 'some' Plus tips, M+xPF =
Mainstream with 'some' Plus & Fast Track tips, P = Plus tips,
C = Class tips (progressively more Basic and Mainstream calls)
Border City Squares September/October Calendar 2001
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
26 AUG | 27
AUG 7-10 PM Graduation Dance Party. Sept Newsletter Distributed. |
28 AUG | 29 AUG | 30 AUG | 31 AUG | 1 SEPT |
2 SEPT | 3
SEPT Have a Happy Labor Day. |
4 SEPT | 5 SEPT | 6 SEPT | 7 SEPT | 8
SEPT 8-10:30 PM First BCS Dance. 'Rock Around Clock' at Infant Jesus Church. MS+2 Plus Tips Everett Machin Barbara Nutting |
9 SEPT | 10
SEPT Lessons Start at Horse Pond Fish & Game Club. 7-8 PM All Position MS Workshop. 8-10 PM Phase 1 New Dancer Free Fun Night |
11 SEPT | 12 SEPT | 13 SEPT | 14 SEPT | 15
SEPT 3:00-4:00 PM Demo Dance, St Francis Xavier Church, Nashua Heel & Toe MS Retrieval |
SEPT 4:15-5:15 PM Demo Nashua Resurrection Church |
SEPT 7-8 PM All Position MS. 8-10 PM Phase 1 |
18 SEPT | 19 SEPT | 20 SEPT | 21
SEPT 7 PM Border City Board Meeting. at TBD |
SEPT Monadnock Squares M/P Raid |
23 SEPT | 24
SEPT 7-8 PM All Position MS. 8-10 PM Phase 1 |
25 SEPT | 26 SEPT | 27 SEPT | 28 SEPT | 29
SEPT Seacoast Region M/P |
30 SEPT | 01
OCT 7-8 PM All Position MS. 8-10 PM Phase 1 |
02 OCT | 03 OCT | 04 OCT | 05
OCT Litchfield Swingers Raid |
06 OCT |
07 OCT | 08
OCT 7-8P M All Position MS. 8-10 PM Phase 1 |
09 OCT | 10 OCT | 11 OCT | 12 OCT | 13
OCT 8-10:30 PM Dance
"Autumn Greetings" Infant Jesus Church. MS+2
Plus Tips Johnny Wedge |
14 OCT | 15
OCT 7-8 PM All Position MS. 8-10 PM Phase 1 |
16 OCT | 17 OCT | 18 OCT | 19 OCT | 20
OCT Heel & Toe |
21 OCT | 22
OCT 7-8 PM All Position MS 8-10 PM Phase 1 |
23 OCT | 24 OCT | 25 OCT | 26 OCT | 27
OCT Apple Squares |
28 OCT | 29
OCT 7-8 PM All Position MS 8-10 PM Phase 1 |
30 OCT | 31 OCT | 01 NOV | 02
NOV Litchfield Squares |
NOV Firesiders |
04 NOV | 05
NOV 7-8 PM All Position MS 8-10 PM Phase 1 |
06 NOV | 07 NOV | 08 NOV | 09 NOV | 10
NOV 8-10:30 PM Plus |
Thank You If You Have Already Renewed Your Membership For July 2001 through June 2002.
This Membership Form Can Be Filled Out and This Entire Sheet Can Be Given To the Treasurer
Or Mailed to
Border City Squares
P.O. Box 6082
Nashua, N.H. 03063