Border City Squares
President's Corner May 2001
Annual Meeting Well what can be said about the annual meeting? At this point not much because you are either reading this at the meeting or the meeting has concluded. Suffice it say that the meeting was held and the election results and the rest of the information concerning the meeting will be in the next news letter. Dues Another favorite topic I am sure. Dues are payable between now and the end of June. You haven't heard much about dues until this newsletter because we weren't sure how much they would be. There is a form in the back of the newsletter for sending them in and you will notice they have gone up. The increase reflects the cost of doing business (have you heard that before?) The newsletter charge just covers the cost of producing and sending the newsletter and the increase in club dues covers an anticipated increase in the insurance costs. The club dues cover the insurance costs and pay for the club Post Office box. Club Finances This has been a difficult year for the club in making ends meet and getting our expenses covered. Next year is not likely to be any better. The support of the members is critical to the financial viability of the club. It is particularly important that the club members support the club functions such as dances by attending them. This helps provide income to cover the fixed costs. The other obvious benefit is of course the fun of doing the dancing. The club exists primarily to provide dances but there is a fixed cost to doing that that must be met by attendance figures; more on this next month. |
Club Representatives We managed to make it through the year with essentially no club representation to other organizations. Our support of the convention committee was not what it has been in the past and we never did field any representatives for NSSARDA or EDSARDA. (Editors Note: Wayne attended every EDSARDA meeting starting with the October 1st meeting. In February, he & Priscilla along with Skip & Penny volunteered to be our representatives to EDSARDA.) While this doesn't present any short-term problems for the club in the long run it does affect the community as a whole. These are the organizations that do the larger job of supplying support to the square dancing community by providing insurance, advertising, and regional activities. They need our support. Fortunately we had the Thompson's attending as members of NSSARDA and they could report what was happening at NSSARDA but our opinions were not heard officially. Gateway Manor Demonstration An energetic group consisting of myself, Roberta Blais, Hal Kelley, Cheryl Palucci, Bill & Vivian Thonpson, Wayne and Priscilla Griffin, and Chris and Norm Howard put on a strictly demonstration dance for the residents. Jerry Maurice did the calling. The demo was well received and there were a number of residents who indicated that they had square danced themselves as much as 30 years ago. One resident even brought her old Border City badge down to show us, a black square with the words "Border City Squares" on it. Convention Convention is over and done. It is one of the highlights of the year for the region. I am sure everyone that attended had as good time as I did but read on because there is more to be said in the newsletter. |
Class Graduation Congratulations are in order for the class graduates. I think Border City will continue its reputation of turning out great dancers. I noticed that they got out and about particularly at the convention, they all held their own quite nicely thank you, and of course appeared to be enjoying themselves immensely. The club invites you to
take a look at the pictures of the graduation on our web
site. Next Dance Our next dance is May 12th with Randy Longobucco. Here is another chance to dance to a caller that doesn't get up this way very often. Take teh opportunity to get down and see him, details later in the newsletter. Summer Session Starting May 7th we will be sponsoring a plus class on Mondays from 8:30 until 10:00. The regular class will continue until graduation at the end of July. Note this will be a class and not a workshop so |
attendance every week is desirable
so that one doesn't miss any of the progressively taught
moves. There will be no activities during the month of
August. In September we will take up again with a new
class and new season. Carousel Horse
Bob Baker |
Club Chair Report
Our April 14th
dance at the Mill-A-Round dance hall in Manchester was an
amazing success. Randy Page, from Connecticut, was a real
treat to dance to. Although he never went beyond the Plus
calls, he certainly threw in some unusual combinations.
In addition to a "head men center, teacup chain",
and "ends zoom" from ocean waves, he also
called teacup chain from facing lines, pass the ocean
from sashayed couples, and many other legal but unusual
calls. Barbara Nutting provided excellent cueing, and it
was a most exciting dance. Even though the Border City showing was well below average (only 18 dancers), attendance at the dance was unusually high with about 11 squares. Heel & Toe raided this dance; and the Wolf Rockers, Firesiders, and Concord Coach retrieved their banners. We had guests from other clubs including Queen City, Seacoast, Monadnock Squares, Cloudbusters, and Mix & Mingle. We were also honored with two guest callers: Ted Lizotte, and Charlie McLeod. Thanks to the Border City members who showed up early to help with setup and especially to Skip and Penny Guild and Wayne, Priscilla, and Elizabeth Griffin who helped open the hall at 7:15. And thanks to the many dancers who stayed after to help clean up the hall. Our next dance, on May 12th, will be a Mainstream dance, and we will be back in our regular hall at the Infant Jesus Church. The theme for the dance will be "Spring Flowers," and Skip and Penny Guild will be host and hostess. Randy Longobucco will be calling, and Bev Boudreau will be cueing. As with the April dance this is another chance to dance with a caller who rarely visits the area, so you wont want to miss this one. Norma and I will be away celebrating our 25th anniversary, and Margery Shank has agreed to fill in as acting Club Chair. Skip, Penny, and Margery would greatly appreciate your help with setup at about 1:00 on the afternoon of the dance. Chris and Norma Howard |
Class Chair Report
Our hats are off to you. We are very proud of our
September Graduating class of 2001. They have worked very
hard and have attended many dances throughout the year.
When you decided to join Border City Squares to learn to
square dance, you dedicated your Monday nights to square
dancing and your perseverance has brought you to the day
when you are no longer a learner but an example and
teacher to all those new dancers that will follow. Please
remember the fun and friendliness that greeted you and
pass that example on to the new dancers. Graduation night was fun and full of anticipation. We were very happy to see Ed and Corinne join us for the festivities. The fun began when Bill called to the floor Amy Bollenbach, Diane Troyer, Susan and Bill Leuci, and Katherine Bollenbach. They were joined by Jim McClarin, Jim Hawkins and Dennis Marandos to form a square. An egg was placed before each couple and one was broken to show the eggs were real and uncooked. They were asked to take off their shoes and they were blindfolded. Then they were told to dance around the eggs without breaking them. Without the ladies knowledge, the mens blindfolds were removed and the eggs were quietly replaced with wet sponges and corn flakes. The fun began when the ladies tiptoed, hesitated or finally walked on what they thought was an icky, icky mess and squealed. The dancers for the second fun square were Cheryl Palucchi and Chris Howard, Tammy Doris and Wayne Griffin, Susan and Bill Leuci, Jim Hawkins and Katherine Bollenbach. Their task was two fold. First, it was to demonstrate how well Cheryl and Tammy could dance the mans or beaus position while Wayne and Chris demonstrated their talents as belles. The second task was for all eight dancers to show us how well they could shuffle around the square while wearing shoe boxes on their feet. After all the work our new dancers did in their demo squares it was time to stop and have something to renew our energies. We had a wonderful array of finger foods brought in by club and class members. We would like to thank everyone for their contributions. Bob Baker gave a welcoming speech to the graduates with much encouragement and praise. The Candlelight Ceremony was next. The graduates, President, Vice President, Treasurers and Secretary lit candles as Jerry Maurice and Ed Renauld read the Candlelight Ceremony. Each side of the square lit their candles representing the flames of friendliness, cooperation, loyalty, and fun. Next came the awarding of diplomas and badges with a special thanks to Chris Howard for the great job he did on the diplomas. Thank you Chris. Jerry and Donna Maurice, Ed and Corinne Renauld and Bill & I presented diplomas and Club badges to Amy Bollenbach, Katherine Bollenbach, Jim Hawkins, Susan and Bill Leuci and Diane Troyer. Also congratulations to Harli Theone who was unable to attend the graduation but was given her club badge early (so she would have it for the convention) and will receive her diploma at a later date. Bill and I would like to again thank the new graduates for their card and gift. After the ceremonies were completed it was time to dance. Jerry graciously stepped aside to allow Margie Shanks, Dave Raymond, Chris Howard and Wayne Griffin to entertain us. They did a great job and we are very proud of them. By the way there is a dangle for dancing to an amateur caller. It is #5 on Majestic Badges list of dangles. Bill and I would like to thank Dave and Mary Raymond and Cheryl Palucchi for their help in decorating the hall for graduation. Also thanks to all of you who came and supported this class. Bill and I are looking forward to graduating the next class. Anne-Marie Boucher, Muriel Credle, Celia Kendig, Jim McClarin and Rita Lemarche have been dedicated to learning and attending classes every week. We have two new members that have joined our club to continue learning the mainstream square dance calls and they are Valerie and John Lamb. Look them up at our workshop and welcome them. We look forward to welcoming the January class as members of Border City when they graduate in July. Keep up the good work. Bill and I just returned from the 43rd New England Square and Round Convention in Manchester. The callers were great and the dancing was awesome. I think for us ladies the second best thing about the convention is the shopping and shopping we did. All the recent graduated members attended the convention and had a great time. If Amy and Katherine, Jim, Susan and Bill and Harli along with Cheryl, Tammy, Margie, and Chris dance with the January class on April 30th they will receive their "Die Hard" dangles for dancing 5 days in a row. Bravo! Bill and I can verify that they did in fact earn the right to wear the "Die Hard" dangle. Next years convention will be in Sturbridge, MA. We hope Border City will have a great presence there like we did in Manchester this year. Hope to see you all in a Square. Viv and Bill Thompson |
Banner Chair Report
"Happy Harry"
Trott enthusiastically filled in for Noah Nutting on
March 31st at the Wolf Rockers dance. This
Border City raid was more like a vaudeville show, as
"Happy Harry" wooed us with some of his
classic songs. The strong showing from BCS (19 dancers)
included Cheryl Palucchi, Steve & Lorri Wurtzler, Amy
Bollenbach, Roberta Blais, Tammy Dorris, Jonas Green, Viv
& Bill Thompson, Chris Howard, Margery Shank, Bruce
Williams, Dave & Mary Raymond, Debbie Coit, Bob
Beaubien, Preston Walsh, Bob Baker, and Cheryl Pecor. Man, there sure were a lot of strong dancers at the Skirts 'N Flirts dance on April 7th. When caller John Hendron called an A1 tip, 4 squares of dancers jumped at the opportunity. It was simply tantalizing watching from the sidelines. Kinda makes you want to learn Advanced, doesnt it? Plenty of Border City dancers (17) were on hand: Bruce Williams, Wayne & Priscilla Griffin, Chris & Norma Howard, Della Crawford, Jonas Green, Tammy Dorris, Hal Kelley, Steve & Lorri Wurtzler, Cheryl Palucchi, Skip & Penny Guild, Viv & Bill Thompson, and Roberta Blais. Wow! What a dance! So thats what a national caller is like! Randy Page was challenging, enjoyable, and unpredictable. Right from the opening tip, I could tell that we were in for one whale of an evening. At times I even felt like a beginner. What a blast! Dancers swarmed the Mill-A-Round on this occasion almost 12 squares in all. The retrieving clubs were Concord Coach (21 dancers), Wolf Rockers (14 dancers), and Firesiders (8 dancers). Heel & Toe raided us with 15 dancers. Well be seeing Randy again two years from now at another of our club dances. I cant wait! How sweet it was when Heel & Toe held their dance on Saturday, April 21st. Dancers came from high and low, including two from Texas, Phil & Brenda Scott. The Scotts accompanied Border Citys pack of 19 dancers: Katherine & Amy Bollenbach, Lorri Wurtzler, Bruce Williams, Wayne & Priscilla Griffin, Chris Howard, Margery Shank, Viv & Bill Thompson, Cheryl Palucchi, Tammy Dorris, Dave & Mary Raymond, Preston Walsh, Ed Jette, Hal Kelley, Debbie Coit, and Kathi Butt. Caller Everett Mackin made this a challenging dance and at one point joined forces with caller Jim Mayo, much to the delight of the crowd! Our next club dance will be on May 12th with caller Randy Longobucco and cuer Bev Boudreau. The Wolf Rockers will be raiding and Londonderry Apple Squares will be retrieving. Hope to see you at Infant Jesus next month! |
May and Early June Raids/Retrievals:
Date |
Club |
Location |
Level |
We Are |
Caller |
Cuer |
05/04/01 |
Square Riggers |
Westwood, MA |
Raiding |
Joim Purcell |
Phil Gatchell |
05/05/01 |
Apple Squares |
Londonderry, NH |
Raiding |
Jerry Maurice |
Phil Gatchell |
05/19/01 |
Minutemen Squares |
Belmont, MA |
Plus |
Raiding |
Ed Foote |
Phil Gatchell |
Last Month's Raids and Retrievals:
Date |
Club |
Level |
We Were |
Their Members |
BCS Members |
03/31/01 |
Wolf Rockers |
Raiding |
19 |
14 |
04/07/01 |
Skirts 'N Flirts |
PL/A1 |
Raiding |
17 |
Scheduled 06/09/01 |
04/21/01 |
Heel & Toe |
Retrieving |
19 |
15 |
Clubs Raiding / Retrieving at Our April Dance:
Date |
Club |
They Were |
BCS Members |
Their Members |
04/14/01 |
Firesiders |
Retrieving |
16 |
8 |
04/14/01 |
Concord Coach |
Retrieving |
20 |
21 |
04/14/01 |
Wolf Rockers |
Retrieving |
19 |
14 |
04/14/01 |
Heel & Toe |
Raiding |
19 |
15 |
Club Banners We Have: Clubs With Our Banners:
Date |
Club |
BCS Members |
Retrieval Date |
Date |
Club |
Their Members |
Retrieval Date |
03/31/00 |
Cloudbusters (1st) |
25 |
Not Scheduled |
None |
09/16/00 |
Bradford Country Squares |
21 |
Not Scheduled |
09/22/00 |
Cloudbusters (2nd) |
15 |
Not Scheduled |
02/24/01 |
Turkey Town Trotters |
17 |
06/09/01 |
04/07/01 |
Skirts 'N Flirts |
17 |
06/09/01 |
Lorri and Steve Wurtzler
Banner Chairs
Club dues are due by the end of June
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