City Squares
Vice Presidents Corner January 2001
New Club Caller Jerry Maurice is the Border City Squares Club Caller starting in January 2001. His appointment was confirmed at the Special General Meeting held December 11th. Jerry starts teaching Phase 1 of the Multi-Cycle Program on January 8th at 7 PM but we need everyone to recruit people to be in this class. The class will be open to new dancers during the 4 weeks in January but the sooner you bring your friends the better. All of the new dancers who just completed Phase 1 and are ready to move on to Phase 2 are encouraged to help out as "angels" for the friends they bring to the earlier session. Dancing as angels will allow them to learn the basic square dance calls better and to warm up so they will be ready to learn during the Phase 2 session that starts at 8:30 PM. In Phase 2, Jerry will be teaching the remaining squares dance calls (53 71) in the Mainstream Program. Calls 54 through 71 were known as the Mainstream calls before CallerLab combined the Basic Program (calls 1 53) with the Mainstream Program (calls 54-71). Ed will be with us on January 29th while Jerry is out of town. Holiday Dance/Party Counting our newest honorary members, Jerry and Donna Maurice, 48 of the 83 members and honorary members of our club attended our Holiday dance party. Six previous members and 3 guests also attended. Ed and Jerry called together and separately and Ed and Corinne treated us to a duet.
After some dancing and eating,
Santa, Mrs. Claus, and a tall Elf arrived. After Santa
danced a jig, the gifts from the gift exchange were
passed out. The clubs gift to Ed and Corinne was a
gift certificate to the Country Tavern restaurant in
Nashua. The clubs gift to Stan, the HPF&G Club
steward was a bottle of Kaulour (his favorite). Thanks to all the board members for their efforts to make this event a success. Special thanks to Vivian and Bill as the main coordinators of this event. Our heartfelt thanks to Arthur Frizgerald and Roberta Blais for carrying on their tradition as our Santa and Mrs. Claus. The tall Elf was a surprise to most of us and was Cheryl Palucchi. Now we know why Santa spends so much time at the North Pole. And finally, thanks to Ed and Corinne and Jerry and Donna for making the night such a joyous celebration. Club Gift to Ed and Corinne As a small token from the club for their 5 ½ years as our club caller and cuer, an engraved clock was presented to Ed and Corinne. They promise to dance with us in the future. Raffle Winner
Workshop Summary
The 15 Monday nights termed as workshops include the Fun night, 12 lesson nights, a Costume Party/Dance, and a Holiday Party/Dance. These workshops have cost the club about $340. Each week we loose about $30. The need for a large class of new dancers is obvious.
Dance Summary
The small loss from our September Mainstream level dance was due to only 2 clubs attending. This loss was offset by the small gain from our October Mainstream level dance when 3 clubs came for banners. Our November Plus level dance had 4 clubs in attendance and made a profit. Only 2 clubs attended our December Plus level dance so it too lost money. We are up about $85 but only 2 clubs plan to come to our January dance. We only expect 2 clubs at our February Mainstream level dance and then only 1 club at our March Class level dance. On average, 23 BCS members have attended our own dances. We can not survive alone. We need 9 squares per dance to break even but we can only raid 3 other clubs per month in hopes that 3 clubs will attend our dance and bring 2 squares each.
Banner Exchange Summary
We have averaged 15 dancers at the 12 raids/retrievals in the past 4 months. The average for the 10 clubs who have attended our dances is 11. Only 5 BCS members have attended 10 R/Rs, 11 more members have attended 5 to 9 R/Rs, and 27 other members have attended 1 to 4 R/Rs. Thats 43 of the 67 BCS members who can dance the Mainstream (or higher) program. Only 16 BCS members have attended 5 or more of the 12 R/Rs. Other clubs need our help as much if not more than we need theirs. We have gone with less than the minimum expected 12 dancers to 3 of these R/Rs. As clubs fold, it makes it harder and farther to find clubs to exchange banners so we can keep dancing.
Off Their Feet
The club sent cards but in case you had not heard, we have some members who are not dancing due to their health. Both Jack and Mary Dunn have been in and out of the hospital. Gus Christensen fell and broke his leg in 3 places and Nancy was also in the hospital a short while ago. Many of us know that Hal fell at the Minutemen Squares dance in November so we hadnt seen him until the Holiday party. Please keep these members in mind and hope they all come dance with us again later in 2001.
Century Book
For our newest dancers, wed like to tell you about the Century Club. Perhaps you have noticed the few members who wear a Century Club badge or pin. The Century Club badge is earned by collecting 100 square dance callers signatures. Century Club books to collect the signatures are available for $3 from the treasurers. Many new dancers ask their first square dance caller to sign page 1 in their book. Couples can use one book (as long as they both dance to the same callers). Up to 3 signatures can be collected at a dance. Our daughter, Elizabeth, stated her book in 1998 and has 85 signatures. We started a book for our 2nd Century Badge and already have 38 signatures. There is a different color badge for each 100. We met one dancer at last years convention who was working on her 6th book!
Vice Presidents
Wayne & Priscilla Griffin
Club Chair Report
The Holiday Ball on December 9th was quite a celebration thanks to the excellent calling of Cindy Hawley and cueing of Barbara Nutting. Those of us who are new to round dancing especially appreciated all the phase II rounds which allowed us to dance nearly every tip. Thanks to the great effort of Mike and Joyce Peterson, the dance hosts, there were 19 door prizes reflecting the holiday spirit of giving. Three door prizes were awarded between each tip. We were honored with the presence of not one but three guest callers and one guest cuer. The guest callers were Noah Nutting, Lenny Statton, and our own Ed Renauld. Corinne was there as a guest cuer. It was also great to see five of our recent plus graduates on the floor.
The only real disappointment at the dance was the failure of two of the four expected raiding clubs to show up. As a result, attendance was far less than expected. Heel & Toe sent 13 dancers and Pelham Partners sent 10 dancers to raid. We also had 2 dancers from Londonderry Apple Squares, 2 from the Stetson Stompers, 1 from Queen City, and 4 from Litchfield Swingers. With only 19 members from Border City present, we only had a little over 7 squares.
Thanks to the following members who helped Mike and Joyce decorate the hall: Bill and Viv Thompson, Mary Raymond, Steve Wurtzler, and Wayne and Priscilla Griffin. Thanks also to those who brought food and helped with clean up after the dance.
Our next dance, on January 13th will be a Class dance using the first 43 calls on the basic/mainstream list. We have a very good class this year, and I hope all our club members will come to support them at this dance. This is also our last dance with Ed and Corinne, so please try to join us to give them a good send off. The theme for the dance is Pajama Party, so feel free to be just as casual as you like. Last years pajama party was a great success, so dont miss this one. If you can help the class with the setup, please join us at the church hall at 12:30. Heel & Toe is expected to raid this dance, and Skirts N Flirts will be retrieving.
Chris and Norma Howard
Club Chairpersons
Class Chair Report
Here we are at the Holidays. The class has been busy this past month. They have been to Acton, MA; Atkinson, Peterborough, Concord and Rochester, NH and the other clubs are noticing. Viv and I have had calls from clubs asking that our class attend their dances.
The Acton dance on December 1st was attended by Rita Lamarche, Diane Troyer, Susan and Bill Leuci, Jim Hawkins, Lori Forrence, Ernie Desmarais and Estelle Ogle. Club and friends attending were Dennis Marandos, Kathi Butt, Eric McGrath, Debbie Coit, Viv and myself. Matt Auger did a great job calling a dance enjoyed by all. Six squares were in attendance.
The following night, December 2nd, Rita Lamarche, Diane Troyer, Katherine and Amy Bollenbeck, Bill and Susan Leuci, and Jim Hawkins attended the Atkinson Firesider's dance. Club members and friends attending were Dennis Marandos, Dave and Mary Raymond, Viv and myself. The caller for the evening was Johnny Wedge. As always, the Firesiders welcomed our class with great enthusiasm.
December 8th found the class in Peterborough for the Cloudbusters class dance. Attending were Diane Troyer, Katherine and Amy Bollenbeck, Bill and Susan Leuci, Jim Hawkins, and Harli Thoene. Club and friends attending were Dennis Marandos, Eric McGrath, Debbie Coit, Ed Jette, Wayne Griffin, Viv and myself. Charlie Mcleod was the caller for the evening and his yodeling was as entertaining as ever.
The following night, December 9th, several of the class attended the Concord Coach class dance called by Ted Lizotte. Those attending were Diane Troyer and Dennis Marandos, Susan and Bill Leuci, Bill and Anne Park. Viv and I would like to especially thank Bill and Anne for leading this class trip to Concord so we could attend the club dance that night.
On December 18th, Bill and Susan Leuci and Jim Hawkins traveled to Rochester to dance with the Happy Times Squares. They were very enthused with Happy Harrys calling.
Here is the list of class level dances for the month of January. If any of the club members can help support the class it would be appreciated.
Date | Club | Location | Caller | Cuer |
Jan 5 Friday | Litchfield Swingers | Litchfield, NH | Ted Lizotte | Sandi Simmons |
Jan 13 Saturday | Border City Squares | Nashua, NH | Ed Renauld | Corinne Renauld |
Jan 20 Saturday | Bradford Country Squares | Bradford, NH | Patty Greene | Bernie Porter |
Jan 20 Saturday | Great Plains Squares | Needham, MA | Mil Dixon | None |
Jan 20 Saturday | Heel & Toe SDC | Manchester, NH | John Courtois | Hope Belanger |
Jan 21 Sunday 2-5 PM | NSSARDA | Burlington, MA | Patty Greene | None |
Jan 21 Sunday 2-5 PM | Lake Shore Farm | Northwood, NH | Chris Pinkham | None |
Jan 26 Friday | Young at Hearts | Abington, MA | Dennis Marsh | Harriett Clarke |
Jan 27 Saturday | Pine Tree Riot Squares | Weare, NH | Patty Greene | None |
January BORDER CITY Class Dance
We are meeting at 12:30 PM on January 13th to decorate the Infant Jesus Parish hall. Our current class members are the hosts for this dance. The theme is Pajama Party and ( conservative) pajamas are acceptable attire.
Be sure bring someone on January 8th to our new class start. Tell your friends, neighbors, relatives, and pass the word so others can learn about the fun of square dancing.
Class Chairpersons
Viv & Bill Thompson
Banner Chair Report
Cuer Norma Silva received a standing ovation from the lively crowd at Skirts 'N' Flirts dance on December 2nd. Knowing that Norma's retiring from cueing in the New England area, this audience certainly wanted to acknowledge what she's meant to them over the years. Caller Everett Mackin was in on the festivities, throwing in a quip every now and then, all the while calling one heck of a smooth dance. Taking part in this joyous occasion from Border City were: Mike & Joyce Peterson, Steve Wurtzler, Jonas Green & Tammy Dorris, Bruce Williams, Roberta Blais, Margery Shank, Chris Howard, Wayne & Priscilla Griffin, and Skip & Penny Guild, Hank Perigny also went to this dance with us.
Our expedition to York, Maine was a fabulous success. Enthusiastic dancers will go to any length to have a good time! The adventurous folks making the pilgrimage for Border City were: Jonas Green & Tammy Dorris, Steve & Lorri Wurtzler, Priscilla & Wayne Griffin, Viv & Bill Thompson, Margery Shank, Debbie Coit, and Bob Beaubien. Hank Perigny again joined us. Also present was Alice Renauld, a Maine native and Border City member who makes quite a few pilgrimages of her own to support our club. Luckily for her, this dance was practically in her own backyard! As predicted, the Nubble Lighthouse Keepers provided enough savory food to feed a small army. And caller Ray Hilton did his part to make the long trip well worth it!!
No shows, cancellations, and broken down squares didn't stop this group from having fun! On December 9th, our club dance was raided by 2 clubs (Heel & Toe and Pelham Partners) instead of 4 (Square Wheelers called to cancel and Firesiders forgot all about us!). I can't remember the last time that we danced in so many broken down squares and LAUGHED SO HARD!!! Despite all those break downs, these dancers insisted on enjoying themselves! Instead of taking things to seriously, this group was out to have fun! It sure was great being around so many good-natured folks who make square-dancing a delightful past time!
It was a great time watching the choir on stage with the caller as they sang the refrain, "Man will live forever more because of Christmas Day", to a singing call at the Heel & Toe Dance on December 16th. The dinner before the dance appeared to account for most of the 19 squares in attendance. There were also new dancers from Concord Coach and Heel & Toe present. Both clubs plan to graduate their new dancers in January. Concord Coach plans to start a new class in January. The dance was advertised as Mainstream level but was very easy; however, we noticed some broken squares. Only 8 of the 18 Mainstream calls were used but the calls were not the first 8 calls normally taught. Our 11 banner retrievers were: Roberta Blais, Wayne & Priscilla Griffin, Chris & Norma Howard, Kathi Butt, Mike & Joyce Peterson, Jonas Green & Tammy Dorris, and Della Crawford.
CLASS MEMBERS GET READY! On January 13th, Border City will be having its first class-level dance. Be sure not to miss this one! This dance will be your last opportunity to dance to Ed and Corinne at Border City before their retirement. This dancer is going to miss them very much! Clubs attending will be Heel & Toe (raiding) and Skirts 'N' Flirts (retrieving).
January & Early February Raids/Retrievals:
Date |
Club |
Level |
We Are |
Location |
Caller |
Cuer |
01/06/01 |
Firesiders |
Plus |
Raiding |
Atkinson, NH |
Ed Renauld |
Corinne Renauld |
01/19/01 |
Square Riggers |
Plus |
Retrieving |
Westwood, MA |
Bob Bulter |
Birgit Maguire |
01/27/01 |
Pelham Partners |
Plus |
Retrieving |
Windham, NH |
Ralph Peacock |
Bernie Porter |
02/02/01 |
Litchfield Swingers |
Plus |
Raiding |
Litchfield, NH |
Mike Petitbon |
Hope Belanger |
Last Months Raids and Retrievals:
Date |
Club |
We were |
Their Members |
BCS Members |
12/02/00 |
Skirts N Flirts |
Raiding |
Scheduled 01/13/01 |
14 |
12/03/00 |
Nubble Lighthouse Keepers |
Retrieving |
12 |
13 |
12/16/00 |
Heel & Toe |
Retrieving |
13 |
11 |
Clubs Raiding / Retrieving at Our December Dance:
Date |
Club |
They Were |
BCS Members |
Their Members |
12/09/00 |
Heel & Toe |
Raiding |
11 |
13 |
12/09/00 |
Firesiders |
Raiding |
Scheduled 01/06/01 |
No Show |
12/09/00 |
Pelham Partners |
Raiding |
Scheduled 01/27/01 |
10 |
12/09/00 |
Square Wheelers |
Raiding |
Scheduled 03/23/01 |
Cancelled |
Club Banners We Have:
Date |
Club |
BCS Members |
Retrieval Date |
3/31/00 |
Cloudbusters (1st) |
25 |
Not Scheduled |
9/16/00 |
Bradford Country Squares |
21 |
Not Scheduled |
9/22/00 |
Cloudbusters (2nd) |
15 |
Not Scheduled |
10/28/00 |
Turkey Town Trotters |
17 |
02/10/01 |
12/02/00 |
Skirts N Flirts |
14 |
01/13/01 |
Clubs With Our Banners:
Date |
Club |
Their Members |
Retrieval Date |
11/11/00 |
Square Riggers |
10 |
01/19/01 |
12/09/00 |
Pelham Partners |
10 |
01/27/01 |
Lorri and I would like to wish your family a joyous holiday season and a wonderful New Year!
Banner Chairs
Lorri and Steve Wurtzler
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