City Squares
November 2000
Presidents Corner
Club Caller and Cuer Resign
Ed and Corinne are cutting back on square dance calling and round dance cueing. They have ended their Wednesday and Thursday night lessons. They will continue Monday night lessons through December/January to give the club time to contract replacements. They plan to honor their calling/cueing contracts and weekends through Labor Day weekend 2001. The board has initiated a search for a new caller.
NESRDC Volunteers
The New England Square and Round Dance Convention (NESRDC) committee has asked us to provide volunteers to assist in preparing for the convention this coming spring. Our clubs commitment is to man Hospitality Table and to provide some coverage of the Communications table. They have also asked if we could decorate one of the halls. And last but not least we could use a volunteer to act as a liaison between the club and the committee.
Cheryl Palucchi has graciously volunteered to be the clubs Secretary. She was nominated for the office and elected by the board members. She is now the official secretary of the club. Thank you Cheryl.
Treasurers Committee
The treasurers committee consists of people who assist the treasurers in their routines. Usually this involves giving the treasurers a break from their money collection routines at our various functions. If anyone would like to volunteer, see Dave or Mary.
The position of Publicity Chair is still open. This position involves making sure the newsletter gets out, making sure the ads appear in the Northeast Square Dancer magazine and making sure notices about our activities get sent to the various media outlets in time. If anyone would like to assist with part or all of these duties, please let me know. I am currently doing the duties of the Publicity Chair.
Fall Festival
To me, the Fall Festival has always been an excellent "first" dance for new dancers and for those dancers who have not been too active but are ready to get back into the swing of things. It is good for new dancers because this is typically their first "real" dance and at the same time there is something for every level. It takes place on Sunday, November 19th from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm and advance tickets are $6.00. Thats a dollar an hour for non-stop dancing. I have advanced tickets and they will be available at the classes and the club dances. We are planning two car pools to go to this dance. The first car pool will leave about 10:15 AM for those dancers who can leave this early and wish to arrive at 12:15 to do some shopping and be ready to dance at 1 PM. The second car pool leaves at 12:30 PM. Be sure to sign up so we can leave as soon as everyone is at the Exit 6 kiosk.
NSSARDA Representatives
We are still in need of representatives to attend the NSSARDA meetings. See Bill and Viv Thompson for details of what is involved or if you would like to volunteer.
NSSARDA Friendship Couple
Bill and Vivian Thompson were submitted as the Border City Squares friendship couple. A couple from the Skirts N Flirts won the drawing an are the NSSARDA Friendship couple.
Annalee Doll Raffle
Last year, we received an Annalee Doll from the Litchfield Swingers. It will be raffled off at the December dance. The doll will be on display and raffle tickets will be available at our dances and workshops. Watch for the doll and buy those tickets.
Past Presidents Visit
Al and Helen Martin were our clubs presidents for the 1985/86 and 1986/87-dance season. They plan to be in our area from 11/8 11/28. They will be at the East Hill Farm the weekend of our November 11th dance and they plan to stop by and visit on a Monday night. Be sure to say "hi".
Bob Baker,
Vice Presidents Corner
Leadership Conference Wayne attended the conference titled "Leadership Success Secrets" sponsored by the Square Dance Foundation of New England on October 21st. During the 4 hours, about 45 square dancer leaders discussed what they perceive as the major problems facing square dancing. Some possible solutions were also discussed. Space does not allow listing all of the problems identified or the few suggested solutions. The top four problems were; (1) Lack of support for the Mainstream program, (2) Non-volunteers, (3) Lack of training, and (4) Square dance attire.
1. Lack of support for the Mainstream program - The issues grouped under this problem include: (a) lack of Mainstream dances where new dancers arent sitting out ¾ of the dance watching the Plus tips and the round dancer tips, (b) clubs starting only 1 new dancer series/classes per year, (3) the time required to complete the Mainstream program.
The suggested solution to this problem was to use the Multi-Cycle program. New dancers could dance weekly and if they were not ready to move on to the second cycle or if they wanted to repeat the first and/or second cycle, they could and therefore continue to dance.
Of course, BCS hosts weekly New Dancer Dances (the politically correct name for classes/lessons) and we have members who only attend these dances. What we are doing different this year is offering a second start in January. We hope dancers in our first start will bring new dancers and angel with them so as to reinforce what they have learned. For those ready to learn more, we hope they will stay for the second 1 ½ hour lesson. If anyone feels they need to repeat either cycle, we plan to continue to offer class starts.
2. Non-volunteers The second problem identified the issues where dancers (a) are "drifters", "freebees" or "floaters" (as termed by some leaders) and fail to join or support a club, (b) refuse to hold office or committee positions leaving the few who do volunteer to do the work year after year until finally they resign from the club and become "floaters", (c) only reluctantly filling in squares at new dancer dances (angels), and (d) where club members fail to support banner visits to other clubs.
BCS has this problem. We have open positions on the board for Club Publicity Chairperson(s) and we just recently filled the Secretarys position. We have no representatives to EDSARDA, NSSARDA, or the 43rd Convention Committee. We have dancers who angel on Monday night yet are not members of our club or any club. We dont have a problem with angels filling in squares and our banner visits are still doing well but thats understandable because everyone "just wants to dance" so these are easy to support compared to the other volunteer positions we need filled.
3. Lack of training This problem includes teaching dancers and club leaders. Examples were: (a) Not walking in front of the caller/cuer when they are on stage, (b) Not forming cliques to avoid "certain" dancers, (c) Not highlighting mistakes that break a square, (d) Not passing one square to get to another, (e) Not telling dancers the reasons why we need banner visits, (f) Not saving a parking space for the caller and cuer, (g) Not having a pitcher of ice water and some glasses on the stage for the caller and cuer, (h) Not filling in a square without first finding/asking a partner. Of course, this practice is acceptable at New Dancer Dances such as our weekly Monday nights and at Class level dances. We all want to ensure our newest dancers get a chance to dance.
Our BCS newsletter is one place where you can learn about these "Code of Conduct" or etiquette issues. The Class Chairperson report is not only informative for the new dancers but for some of us who need a reminder. Be sure not to park in the reserved parking spaces (with the signs) at our dances or walk in front of the stage.
4. Square Dance Attire Is the last of the four problems this report highlights. More and more dancers are realizing the fact that square dancers enjoy dancing more than they do dressing up and wearing the tradition square dance costume. More and more dancers refer to the outfits as what they have become costumes and not just attire. While some leaders said the "rules" about wearing square dance "attire" should be relaxed, they limited their meaning to allowing women to wear prairie skirts while still insisting that men wear long sleeve shirts.
We have told some of you about our experience during the 1980s when we were camping and learned of a square dance one hot and sunny afternoon. We paid and started to dance but then were refunded our money and asked to leave when they learned that we did not have "the proper attire". Recently, visitors (from Australia, Florida, and California) called us on three occasions. Each called us for help to locate and get to an area dance. Each couple asked if they would be allowed into the dance since they had not expected to dance and had not brought their square dance costumes. We are happy to report that each of the clubs we visited welcomed these guests. Yes, the men wore long sleeve shirts even though they were visiting during the summer and they come from warm climates where short sleeve shirts are the norm.
Wayne & Priscilla Griffin
Vice Presidents
Class Chair
Hi Everyone. We have a great class this year. It may be a little small but the energy and enthusiasm is great. We cant wait to take everyone to their first dance & show them off as part of our great club. Let us introduce you to the members of this years class: Amy Bolenbach, Katherine Bollenbach, Lori Forrence, Jim Hawkins, Rita Lamache, Susan & Bill Leuci, Rich OBrien, Harli Thoene and Diane Troyer. We also have a couple returning to our class and club after being away from Square Dancing for 10 years. They are Bill & Anne Parke. Please welcome them back to the club. We also have two club members learning all position dancing.
We are 7 weeks into class and 30 calls have been taught. At this point the class is more than ready to attend the WMSARDA Fall Festival on Sunday, Nov 19 from 12 7 P.M. in Chicopee, Mass. This will be their 25th Anniversary. We want to encourage everyone to attend, not just the class but everyone. There will be a Beginners, Mainstream, and Plus halls. Last year, we car pooled down and after the dance went out for dinner. It was a great afternoon of dancing and dining for everyone who went. Dont miss out.
The class will be attending class level dances starting in November. The dances are November 18th at the Bradford Country Squares in Bradford, NH and November 25th at the Pine Tree Riots in Weare, NH. We will have sign up sheets at the Monday night dances. We will meet at the Nashua Mall behind the Shell gas station by the old Photo kiosk
With our first dance on September 9th Border City Squares began another great season. In spite of the disappointing cancellation of three of the five clubs expected to visit us at this dance, we still had a good turnout and a lively dance. Mike Petitbon and Matt Auger, as "Double Trouble", called a terrific combination of lively patt
and car pool to the dances from there. Bill and I are available to answer any questions you may have.
We want to thank all the Angels for coming every week to support the class and your Angel donations are greatly appreciated. They are helping to offset the clubs expenses.
Come help us support the new class.
Bill & Viv Thompson
Class Chairpersons
Club Chair
Our "Pumpkin Fest" plus level dance on October 14th was another great success. Ray Hilton, our special guest caller from Maine, gave us a real treat with some Down East call combinations that kept all the dancers on their toes. His Texas Sheriff routine was a real treat. Bernie Porter also did her usual outstanding job cueing for the round dancers. We were especially pleased that Ray was able to bring 12 dancers with him from his club, the Nubble Light House Squares. Although we felt York, ME was a little too distant to set up a formal raid/retrieval, we did present a courtesy banner to the club, and we hope to make an unofficial return visit with some of our members on Sunday, December 3rd. If you wish to be part of that group, please talk to Steve or Lorri Wurtzler.
Banner clubs in attendance at the October dance were the Minutemen Squares who raided with 10 members, and Riverside Squares who retrieved their banner with 10 members. Also in attendance were a couple from Sun City Center Swingers in Florida, and members from the Litchfield Swingers and Heel and Toe as well as two unaffiliated dancers. There were 23 Border City Squares members present for a total of 63 dancers signed in. Thanks to Wayne and Priscilla Griffin for hosting this dance and to Josh Koehler, Chris and Norma Howard, and Steve Wurtzler who helped set up the hall for this dance. Thanks also to the many members who brought food and helped with clean up after the dance.
Our next dance, on November 11th will be a Mainstream dance with two Plus tips. Greg Maconi will be calling and Marilyn Rivenburg will be cueing. The theme for this dance will be "Last Summer Fling," and Ray and Debbie Benoit will be our dance hosts. Because of a class Debbie is attending, we will be starting hall decorating one hour later than usual. If you can help with set up, please join us at the church at 1:30 on that Saturday afternoon. We are expecting the Single Squares and the Firesiders to be retrieving their banners and the Square Riggers to be raiding, and we look forward to another excellent dance. Hope to see you all there!
Chris and Norma Howard
Club Chairpersons
Banner Chair
We doubled the number of Cloudbuster banners we have on the evening of September 22nd. About 15 BCS supporters hauled it all the way to Peterborough to dance to Mike Petitbon for the second time in September. Those making the journey were Bob Baker, Wayne & Priscilla Griffin, Roberta Blais, Hal Kelley, Chris & Jonathan Howard, Margery Shank, Sonya Fredriksson, Debbie Coit, Dave & Mary Raymond, Tony Andrade & Della Nabydoski, and Cheryl Palucchi.
The infamous Wolf Rockers "Pie Night" took place on September 30th. Their undersized hall was busting at the seams! Border City helped flood the place with 22 eager dancers. At least two squares could be found dancing outside on this evening. Caller Ted Lizotte even came through with a "Hot Hash" tip. The horde of BCS supporters included Hal Kelley, Roberta Blais, Sonya Fredriksson, Preston Walsh, Bruce Williams, Debbie Coit, Wayne & Priscilla Griffin, Bill & Viv Thompson, Mary and David Raymond, Kathi Butt, Cheryl Pecor, Rick & Irene Galante, Bob Baker, Tammy Dorris, Della Crawford, Bob Beaubien, and Norma and Chris Howard.
Ten daring dancers drove down to Danvers for a delightful dance. Try saying that three times! Dancing at Riverside Squares on October 6th were Tony Andrade, Della Nabydoski, Bob Baker, Tammy Dorris, Jonas Green - who were hoping will soon join our club (hint, hint), Wayne & Priscilla Griffin, Bruce Williams, Hal Kelley, and Roberta Blais.
Caller Ray Hilton and his entourage (Nubble Lighthouse Keepers) of 12 dancers trekked all the ways from York, Maine for our club dance on October 14th. Call it crazy or maybe were just MAD ABOUT SQUAREDANCING because we plan to return the favor by hauling as many brave souls as we can muster all the way back to Maine on Sunday, December 3rd!!! Also on hand were Minutemen Squares and Riverside Squares with 10 dancers apiece. Supporting the home team were 23 BCS dancers. It was really delightful seeing a strong turnout by club members and supporters. You folks really make Border City a wonderful club to be part of!
Have you ever done the "Baldwin Apple Twist?" On Friday, October 20th, we tried it while dancing at Single Squares. Man, it was fun! And if you had a sweet tooth, this was the dance for you. Their food table had enough scrumptious goodies to make your mouth water! Joining in on this evening of merriment were Chris Howard, Margery Shank, Steve & Lorri Wurtzler, Kathi Butt, Tammy Dorris, Jonas Green, Mary & David Raymond, Bob Baker, and Steve ONeil. We had a blast!
Heel & Toe had a costume party on October 21st. Elizabeth Griffins costume was selected as the cutest. She was a princess. Border City retrieved a banner with 17 dancers. Among the BCS faithful were Bruce Williams, Steve & Lorri Wurtzler, Cheryl Palucchi, Chris & Norma Howard, Sonya Fredriksson, Roberta Blais, Hank Perigruy, Preston Walsh, Priscilla & Wayne Griffin, Elizabeth Griffin, Hal Kelley, Bob Baker, Skip & Penny Guild.
Etiquette reminder from Roberta Blais: When our club goes out on raids or retrievals, please try to wear club colors, blue and white. The exceptions is when the sponsoring club has a theme that warrants something different, such as Halloween (costumes) or St. Patricks Day (green).
Another successful raid was carried out on Saturday, October 28th in North Andover at the Turkey Town Trotters dance. Dancing to wisecracking caller Jim Pulaski was both entertaining and fun! Hes always humorous with calls such as: "Fold behind your partner. Then kick them in the pants!" Joining in on the merriment were Penny & Skip Guild, Bob Baker, Norma & Chris Howard, Della Nabydoski & Tony Andrade, Hal Kelley, Roberta Blais, Priscilla & Wayne Griffin, Mike & Joyce Peterson, Della Crawford, Tammy Dorris, and Steve & Lorri Wurtzler.
Raid & Retrieval statistic: After 2 months of raids and retrievals, Border City is averaging a very respectable 16 dancers per outing. We thank you for your continuous support!
Our next home game will be on November 11th at Infant Jesus. Greg Maconi from Wrentham, MA will be calling and Marilyn Rivenburg will be cueing. It will be a Mainstream dance with a couple of Plus tips. Square Riggers will be raiding, while Single Squares and Firesiders make the return trip to get their banners back. Hope you can make it!
Upcoming Raids/Retrievals in November & Early December:
Date | Club | Location | Level | We Are | Caller | Cuer |
11/04 | Firesiders | Atkinson, NH | Plus | Raiding | Dan Guin | Sandi Simmons |
11/18 | Minutemen Squares | Belmont, MA | Plus | Retrieving | Dennis Marsh | Harriett Clark |
12/02 | Skirts N Flirts | Wilmington, MA | Plus w/A1 | Raiding | Everett Mackin | Norm Silva |
12/03 25PM |
Nubble Lighthouse Keepers | York, ME | MS & Plus | Retrieving | Ray Hilton | Sally Lennox |
Clubs Coming to Raid or Retrieve Banners at Our Next (November 11th) Dance:
Club | They are | Date we Visit them | BCS Members |
Single Squares | Retrieving | 10/20/00 | 11 |
Firesiders | Retrieving | Scheduled 11/04/00 | |
Square Riggers | Raiding | Scheduled 1/19/01 |
Last Months Raids and Retrievals:
Date |
Club |
Level |
Visiting Members |
BCS Members |
10/06/00 |
Riverside Squares |
Plus |
10 |
10 |
10/20/00 |
Single Squares |
MS & Plus |
Scheduled 11/11/00 |
11 |
10/21/00 |
Heel & Toe |
MS & Plus |
16 |
17 |
10/28/00 |
Turkey Town Trotters |
Plus |
Scheduled 2/10/01 |
17 |
Clubs Raiding / Retrieving at Our Last (October) Dance:
Date |
Club |
They Were |
Date We Visited |
Their Members |
10/14/00 |
Minutemen Squares |
Raiding |
Scheduled 11/18/00 |
10 |
10/14/00 |
Riverside Squares |
Retrieving |
10/6/00 |
10 |
10/14/00 |
Nubble Lighthouse Keepers |
Raiding |
Scheduled 12/3/00 |
12 |
Club Banners We Have:
Date |
Club |
BCS Members |
Retrieval Date |
3/31/00 |
Cloudbusters (1st) |
25 |
Not Scheduled |
6/3/00 |
Concord Coach |
26 |
11/11/00 |
9/16/00 |
Bradford Country Squares |
21 |
Not Scheduled |
9/22/00 |
Cloudbusters (2nd) |
15 |
Not Scheduled |
10/20/00 |
Single Squares |
11 |
11/11/00 |
10/28/00 |
Turkey Town Trotters |
17 |
2/10/01 |
Clubs With Our Banners:
Date |
Club |
Their Members |
Retrieval Date |
10/14/00 |
Minutemen Squares |
10 |
11/18/00 |
10/14/00 |
Nubble Lighthouse Keepers |
12 |
12/3/00 |
Lorri & Steve Wurtzler
Banner Chairpersons
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