Bylaws of Border City Squares
Nashua, NH 03060
April 2001
The members of this club are banded together in a spirit of friendliness and good fellowship to share and promote the pleasure of square dancing. In order that the club may function smoothly for the benefit of all, the following bylaws are herewith established, and are intended only has a guide towards the orderly function of the club.
The name of this club shall be BORDER CITY SQUARES.
SECTION 2: Purpose
The Border City Squares club is formed on a non-profit basis to foster and advance the art of square dancing, to provide a place where dancers may enjoy dancing together in a spirit of friendliness and cooperation and where each member is allowed the opportunity of sharing the responsibilities of the club.
SECTION 1: Qualifications
Membership in the Border City Squares is open to all persons 16 years of age or older who have either completed a prescribed course in Modern Western Square Dancing or have clearly demonstrated an equivalent ability. Persons 16 years of age or older may enroll in a Border City Squares new dancer lessons in preparation for membership.
Sponsored membership is open to persons below the age of 16 who are accompanied by an adult member 21 years of age or older who shall be responsible for the sponsored members behavior. Sponsored members are expected to have completed a prescribed course in Modern Western Square Dancing or to have clearly demonstrated an equivalent ability. If accompanied by a responsible adult, persons below the age of 16 may enroll in a Border City Squares new dancer lessons in preparation for membership.
SECTION 2: Membership Term
The membership term shall extend from June 1st to May 31st of the following year.
The membership fee (dues) shall be established by the Executive Board and published in the club newsletter.
SECTION 4: Membership Status
Dancers will be considered active members in good standing as long as their dues are paid and their conduct at dances is considered acceptable. Dues must be paid on or before June 1st to retain continuous membership status. Persons graduating from Border City Squares new dancer lessons shall be accorded all membership privileges for two months following graduation. Membership may be revoked by an affirmative vote of two thirds of the Executive Board when a member's conduct is adjudged detrimental to the club or square dancing.
SECTION 5: Membership Privileges
All members in good standing are entitled to the following privileges:
SECTION 6: Special Honorary Members
Honorary membership will be awarded at the discretion of the Executive Board by unanimous vote only. Honorary membership is separate from active membership making it purely an honorary status. Payment of dues is still required to be considered an active member. The period of honorary membership will be one year. New dancers attending lessons are considered honorary members.
SECTION 7: Square Dance Attire
Square dance attire is suggested for all square dances and workshops. (e.g. men in long sleeve shirts and long trousers, women in square dance dress or skirt, and soft sole shoes for all.)
SECTION 1: Elected Officers
The elected officers shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Chairperson, Class Chairperson, Banner Chairperson, and Publicity Chairperson.
SECTION 2: Duties of the Officers
A: President
B: Vice-President
C: Secretary
D: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall record the attendance of the club members at the club functions and give that record to the Secretary.
With the approval of the President, the Treasurer may authorize one or more club members to handle admission at a club function.
The Treasurer will prepare an annual report and submit it to the incoming Executive Board at the changeover meeting. The new President will appoint a financial review committee of at least two new Board members to verify the current financial balance. The balance shown in the Treasurer's annual report must match the balance shown in the most recent bank statement excluding any outstanding checks and monies in any petty cash fund. An audit statement identifying the balance shown in the Treasurer's annual report, the date and balance shown in the most recent bank statement, any outstanding checks, the amount in any petty cash fund and stating that the two Board members verified to their satisfaction the financial condition of the club treasury will be presented to the new Board in conjunction with turning over the finances to the new Treasurer.
The Treasure shall supply the Secretary with a current membership list at the beginning of the year and update it monthly at the Board meetings.
E: Club Chairperson
1. care of the hall,
2. refreshments, and door prizes,
3. store and maintain club equipment used at these activities (coolers, urns, decoration, etc.).
4. assist and supervise committees (e.g. club dance host committees)
5. unlock/open and close/secure dance hall for both setup and dances
Equipment storage must be tailored to accommodate the use of the equipment (item 3) for the class program.
The Club Chairperson will propose the committees organization to the Executive Board, and upon approval will be assisted by the Secretary and the President in staffing the committees.
The Treasurer will authorize advances and payments as necessary and the Club Chairperson will give the Treasurer a monthly income and expense report and reconcile petty cash funds.
F: Class Chairperson
1. class host,
2. hospitality,
3. teaching the new dancers those aspects of square dancing other than the material covered by the caller: such as clothing, badges, banner raids, etc.,
4. provide temporary badges for new dancers; then upon graduation, coordinate with the Secretary to obtain club membership badges,
5. recruitment of angels,
6. care of the hall.
7. assist and supervise committees (e.g. workshop host committees)
The Class Chairperson will propose the committee organization to the Executive Board, and upon approval, will be assisted by the Secretary and the President in filling the committee.
The Class Chairperson will also be responsible for fun nights, escorting the new dancers to class level dances, and class dance parties and graduation.
The Class Chairperson will arrange with the Treasurer to make a detailed cash reconciliation on at least a monthly basis, will coordinate promotion requirements with the Publicity Chairperson, and will make appropriate arrangements with the Club Chairperson for use of club equipment.
G: Banner Chairperson
1. planning and coordinating banner raids/retrievals,
2. obtaining members support for banner trips to other clubs,
3. helping members get to other clubs (such as leading car pools),
4. maintaining and issuing the club's banners to raiding clubs,
5. maintaining and returning the banners obtained from other clubs.
H: Publicity Chairperson
1. publishing the club newsletter,
2. submitting news releases to the media,
3. managing the advertising program with the Northeast Square Dance Magazine,
4. coordinating with the Club Chairperson, Class Chairperson, and Banner Chairperson regarding promotional needs.
5. maintain the club web site.
I: Past President
The Past President shall receive all financial records at the joint meeting of the board. The records shall be audited by two club members selected by the Past President.
SECTION 3: Executive Board
The elected officers and the immediate Past President shall constitute the Executive Board. All positions on the Board shall generally be held jointly with each person having one vote on all matters pertinent to the club. Unless elected to a Board position, the Club Caller shall be a member of the Executive Board in an advisory capacity only, and may attend meetings as his/her appointments may allow. The Board shall hold monthly meetings, except during the months of June or July, and whenever else the President deems necessary. The duties of the Executive Board shall be to approve standing committee, dance schedules, callers for club dances and workshops, hall for dances, and prepare an activity and financial plan for the following year (to be turned over to the incoming Board). Act upon all motions passed by a majority vote at a regular club meeting and conduct/approve all routine business of the club. Any vacancy in the Executive Board after the annual election will be filled by a club member appointed by the President and confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. Any member of the Executive Board absent from three consecutive meetings may be considered for replacement at the discretion of the Board.
SECTION 1: Term of Office
Officers shall be elected for a term of one year by the majority vote of the club members attending the annual meeting. If the graduation date for a class of new dancers will occur between June 30th and September 1st, the Class Chairperson office will be held jointly during that time by the outgoing and newly elected Class Chairperson. The outgoing Class Chairperson shall officate at the graduation. If a class of new dancers is started between May 1st and June 30th, the newly elected Class Chairperson is responsible for that class. Between May 1st and August 31st, more than one class of new dancers may be in session hence both the outgoing and newly elected Class Chairperson will be in office and be responsible for their respective classes.
No elected officer may server in the same office for more than two consecutive years except as stated in the case of the Class Chairperson.
SECTION 2: Nominations
The Executive Board shall act as a Nominating Committee and select a complete slate of two or more candidates, if possible, for each of the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Chairperson, Class Chairperson, Banner Chairperson, and Publicity Chairperson. The list shall be made public at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. Nominations from the floor will be in order at the annual meeting.
SECTION 3: Elections
Election of officers will be held at the annual meeting. The new officers shall assume their duties the following July 1st. The outgoing and incoming Boards shall hold a joint meeting to transfer all monies, records, etc. to the new officers.
SECTION 4: Club Meetings
One general meeting will be held each year, this annual meeting may be combined with workshops, suppers, etc. The annual meeting of the Board City Squares will be held either April or May, the date to be selected by the Executive Board. The primary purpose of the annual meeting is the elections of officers, but any appropriate items of business may be acted upon. Special general meetings may be convened by the Executive Board at any time. However, all members in good standing must be notified of the time, place, and the subject at least ten days prior to the meeting. The Executive Board will call a special general meeting at the request of any eight members in good standing. The eight members must make their request to the Executive Board at least four weeks in advance of the requested meeting. The Executive Board will then assist in scheduling the time and location for the meeting.
SECTION 1: Club Caller
The club caller shall teach the new dancer lessons. The Club Caller shall be chosen by the Executive Board and the appointment confirmed by a majority vote of the club members at the annual or special meeting. Following the acceptance by the club, the Club Caller shall be a member of the Executive Board in an advisory capacity. The Club Caller and spouse shall hold honorary memberships in the club and shall not be required to pay dues.
SECTION 2: Admission Charges
Charges for admission to new dancer and/or club functions will be established by the Executive Board and collected by the Treasurer or person(s) designated by the Treasurer. Special incentive plans for admission to dances, workshops and/or any other club functions may be established by the Executive Board at their discretion. By virtue of his/her required presence and work at club functions, the Treasurer shall be exempted from admission charges. This exemption also applies to the Chairperson of the Club or Class committee or his/her representative.
SECTION 3: Bylaws Revisions and Amendments
Proposed amendments to these bylaws may be forwarded in writing to the Executive Board by any member of the club. Upon approval by the Executive Board, the proposed amendment/revision and time and place of a special general meeting shall be advertised to all members. Approval by a majority vote of the members present will amend/revise these bylaws. The club President shall appoint a Bylaws committee every three years to review the club bylaws for relevancy to the current club membership and recommend such amendments/revisions as they feel necessary.
SECTION 4: Club Dissolution
If for any reason the club is dissolved, all funds that remain will be given to the "Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center" as shown on the incorporate papers on file with the New Hampshire Secretary of State.